Friday, 1 February 2013

116 days to go.......

Gee whizz, time sure does fly when you keep yourself busy.  Been working hard on all my new projects and contracts.  So much so, that when I looked at the calendar it is only 116 days to go for our Thailand holiday.  The thought spurs me on, to get working even harder.  At one stage last year I was so down just thinking about how I was going to earn some money, and now, after all the planning and hard work, the light at the end of the tunnel is no longer my bank manager with a torch, but an actual glimmer of light guiding me upwards and onward.

Thinking back to just 3 months ago, I was feeling quite ill, had high blood pressure, low self esteem and just generally feeling like I could stay in bed all day and let the world just pass me by.  Quite amazingly one morning I woke up, looked in the mirror and almost died of fright when I saw this fat witch looking back at me.  What a wake-up call.  The first phone call was to my hairdresser, the next one was to my warehouse to order some healthy meals and the next one was a lecture to myself as to how short our lives are and I was wasting time getting myself sorted out.  And so here I am 3 months later,going to gym almost every day, playing the sport that I love, 9kg's lighter, chic new hairstyle and am off all my blood pressure tablets.  What a turnaround and man, do I feel good.  

So keep on watching this space peeps, I am not done yet....... it is quite amazing how my outlook on life has changed just by making those few lifestyle changes.  Oh and did I mention that on the 26th December I put my wine glass down and have not had any alcohol since..... makes for a huge difference....

So today, as I prepare to spend the day networking,  I leave you with the following 2 inspirational quotes : 

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