Thursday, 20 December 2012

So what does all this mean??????

UNDER THE COVERS?? Well, when I first decided on a name for my new business, it had to be captivating and it had to mean something.... well, it did initially, but times have changed and so has my outlook to business.  UnderCoverFun was established more than 20 years ago, when I was given the opportunity to market all types of adult toys and lingerie.  Over the years the marketing of the company slowed down to the pace it is now and so I have taken it 'UnderCover'.  The second meaning of the title.  Women have really grown in the bedroom, and have moved away from 'hiding' the need to satisfy themselves and are no longer embarrassed to go out and buy what they need in a discreet store, adding to this the internet has given women and alternative to discreet purchasing, and so UnderCoverFun with all the bells and whistles, or should I say, Vibes and Gels, no longer fulfill the needs of discreet ladies.

So what now??? How can I still keep myself occupied and still make myself available to lady's that have the need to express themselves openly and without any inhibitions.  How do we as women, without the wonderful wisdom of men, have our say and share our woes....  surely we can do it online?  So here I am.... now Under The Covers....

A little bit about me and why? I am married, have 2 gorgeous grownup daughters and an empty nest..... did I mention all the time I have on my hands and how much I love all that social media has to offer.  Putting that all together, spending loads of time online reading and reading and reading, I feel it is now time to have some fun, and start my very own Blog!

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