Sunday, 23 December 2012

My first Xmas tree party......

Today is the first day I get to take my little boy to a Xmas tree party.  Am so excited and cannot wait to just enjoy the experience with the other Grannies and Grandpa's.  JT is a very special little boy as he was brought into our lives by my no 2 'right'*, and he is now almost 7 and can enjoy his little outing with 'Glam'....

*see my blog "my 2 perfectly 'rights'"

Saturday, 22 December 2012

3 more days to Christmas...

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So this Christmas we are doing things a bit differently.   As my girls have grown up and found themselves a life partner, it always seems to be a struggle at Christmas to decide who goes where and whose turn is it for Christmas dinner???? This year, we are having Christmas eve dinner.  All the cooking is going to be done on the 24th, and supper served at about 7 pm.  Then, Father Christmas will arrive at midnight, and when we wake up on Christmas morning our presents will all be under the tree.  Leftovers will be served for breakfast, we can all do some cleaning and then they can all go their separate ways.

So roll on Christmas eve, I have my 2'rights' *their 'right'* partners, added to my family will be my sister, Lynn and 2 of her 'rights*'.  Then we have Jani, whose family is up country and she cannot be alone for Christmas, then we have Clyde and his little 'right*', Timmy, Wade and Kelly, whose family are also out of town, suddenly this mother hen has gained the Brady bunch, and so very excited for our best Christmas ever... 

*see my blog "my 2 perfectly 'rights'

Do dreams come true?

Has anybody ever sat down and put their dreams to paper?  I must admit, I have thought about it on occasion, but have never actually done it.  When you go to motivational talks, the first thing they tell you is to put your goals on paper and put it on your fridge,or mirror etc so you can see it every day.... visualizing your goals are supposed to imprint it in your mind so you can work harder to achieve them.... has it worked for me.... nope! Not yet anyway, but then again one needs to actually put them out there for it to work...

So should I do it? should they go on paper onto my fridge, because I stopped looking in my mirror ages ago.... and I do look at my fridge quite often during the day, but that is whole different story, I digress....... I'm going to start with one small one.... and if it works, then I will put the rest of them up there..... so here goes... first dream going up!!!!!!!!!!!! Will keep you all posted if it works!!!!!!!!!!


Each one is beautiful.........

Adding to the 'end of the world thoughts'...

So guys guess what, to all those people who thought 2012 meant the end of the world you were wrong... not just because it didn't end but because you miss the quote completely... 'The world as we know it' coming to an end does not in the slightest mean destruction. In fact optimistically it is a good thing as the world we know is plagued by war, famine and crime. With that in mind I would like to draw your attention to this :
While the Nostradamus 2012 prediction is largely debated, there are also predictions made by him that hold true for after the great war as predicted by Nostradamus. According to these predictions about the onset of peace, the Nostradamus quatrain states:

"Mars and the scepter (Jupiter) conjoined,

... In Cancer (next to occur July-August, 2013), by him all calamitous war will eventually be ended,
A new Leader will be anointed (born),
He will bring Peace to the Earth for a very long time."

If today were to be the first step towards realising this then yes, today marks the end of the world as it was known.

                                                                 Written by Travis Weiner, my nephew in Australia

Friday, 21 December 2012

The end of the world as we know it!!!!!!!!

It’s the end of the world as we know it.  Is it really?  Because as far as I am concerned every day is the end of the world as we know it, yesterday is gone, it’s not the same as today, and tomorrow will also be different… never the same, always changing…

So what makes today the end of the world?  I am not sure if I can tell you that, but I can tell you how tomorrow will be the start of something new. 

I look over my life and in the last 10 years pretty much everything has changed, bad breakups lead me to the love of my life, which I must just say changed it in every way.  If you had asked me 5 years ago if I would be married today, oh hell no!  But here I am 2 years into the best decision of my life… Although the night before my wedding MY world WAS ending, and it wasn’t a pretty sight but the next day on 11 02 2011 it became OUR world, so I guess that was a good trade off.

So today here we are on 21 12 2012, the “End of the World”, the apocalypse, the fire in the sky, whatever you want to call it… But to be honest, all I see outside is a sunshiny day ready for me to tackle it with both hands and I think that is pretty much what I am going to do.
                                                                                          Victoria Toms - (no 1 'right)

My 2 perfectly 'rights'.....

I love this pic, it has got my feeling spot on.  There are a many times in life when one wonders what it is all about, and why we are actually here.  I have learnt over the years not to question any of this and just enjoy the one life that I have been given. At the moment life is a constant battle for me.  Starting a new business is not an easy journey.  One begins to lose faith in those around you and the promises that are made that keep being pushed to new dates.... it is a hard road, but one that I am on right now and am holding my head up, pushing my shoulders back and moving forward.  The one saving grace is what is said right here, and for me I got it right twice....

Thursday, 20 December 2012

The strongest women.

So what does all this mean??????

UNDER THE COVERS?? Well, when I first decided on a name for my new business, it had to be captivating and it had to mean something.... well, it did initially, but times have changed and so has my outlook to business.  UnderCoverFun was established more than 20 years ago, when I was given the opportunity to market all types of adult toys and lingerie.  Over the years the marketing of the company slowed down to the pace it is now and so I have taken it 'UnderCover'.  The second meaning of the title.  Women have really grown in the bedroom, and have moved away from 'hiding' the need to satisfy themselves and are no longer embarrassed to go out and buy what they need in a discreet store, adding to this the internet has given women and alternative to discreet purchasing, and so UnderCoverFun with all the bells and whistles, or should I say, Vibes and Gels, no longer fulfill the needs of discreet ladies.

So what now??? How can I still keep myself occupied and still make myself available to lady's that have the need to express themselves openly and without any inhibitions.  How do we as women, without the wonderful wisdom of men, have our say and share our woes....  surely we can do it online?  So here I am.... now Under The Covers....

A little bit about me and why? I am married, have 2 gorgeous grownup daughters and an empty nest..... did I mention all the time I have on my hands and how much I love all that social media has to offer.  Putting that all together, spending loads of time online reading and reading and reading, I feel it is now time to have some fun, and start my very own Blog!